Was ist BulletRoyale Alles über
Welcome to this new game on our website, it is called BulletRoyale. This is a new 2D Multiplayer shooter/adventure game, where you get the chance to play with players from around the globe. Your main objective in the game is to use powerful firearms and defend your life from your opponents. Jump out of a place and parachute to the ground that is packed with enemies! Collect as many weapons and ammunition as you can and get rid of all of your enemies. Best of luck and enjoy your time on the website!
- WASD zu bewegen
- Halten Sie die linke Maustaste gedrückt, um zu schießen
- Platz, um aus dem Flugzeug zu springen
- E, um mit Objekten zu interagieren
- M für Karte
Welche Spiele sind ähnlich BulletRoyale?