FNF gegen TwinBots
FNF vs TwinBots
Was ist FNF gegen TwinBots Alles über
Welcome to a brand new episode of FNF, here you will see two twin robots named BeatBot and HackBot. Even though they are twins, their personalities and styles are completely different. Although their feelings towards Musik- are mutual, as well as their skills with Rhythmus. Now they’re going to show off their skills against the boyfriend in a rhythm battle and you are going to help the protagonist win. This is a full week mod that features the tracks keeping-up, Beatbot and game-over.
Können Sie diese TwinBots gleichzeitig besiegen? Lass es uns herausfinden!
Wählen Sie zuerst einen der beiden Modi des Spiels aus, dann wählen Sie den gewünschten Schwierigkeitsgrad. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Fortschrittsbalken am Ende der Songs zu Ihren Gunsten ist. Viel Glück und viel Spaß!
- Inhaber, Musiker, Charter und Storymaker: BeatBot