Fußballlegenden 2021

Fußballlegenden 2021
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Über das Spiel
Fußballlegenden 2021 is the latest episode of the popular two-player game by MadPuffers. In this game, you will get to choose from a variety of new players, teams and eras to play with. You can either play against a computer controlled AI or challenge your friend! Gameplay is simple, try to get the ball in your opponent’s net before they get into yours! Send the ball flying at high speed with your super kicks. Choose from playing in tournaments or friendly matches. The teams can be choses as 1v1, 2v2, 1v2, or 2v1. Have fun!
Spieler 1:
- Pfeiltasten links/rechts oder AD - bewegen AD
- Pfeiltaste nach oben oder W - springen
- Pfeiltaste nach unten oder S - schieben
- X/L - Schuss
- Z/K - Supershot
Spieler 2:
- Pfeiltasten nach links und rechts - bewegen
- Pfeiltaste nach oben - springen
- Pfeiltaste nach unten - Folie
- L - Schuss
- K - Superschuss