Sonic The Hedgehog – Triple Trouble

Sonic The Hedgehog – Triple Trouble
Über das Spiel
Welcome to a new Sonic addition to the website, this one is called Sonic Triple Trouble which is a sequel to Sonic Chaos and features a lot of gaming elements from the game. In the game, you’ll be a part of Schall and Tails' new adventure, where your objective is to gather six Chaos Emeralds. But you have to be very quick about it because Dr. Robotnik is behind them as well, so make sure you reach there first.
This game also known as Sonic & Tails 2, is a platform game developed and published by Sega for the Game Gear handheld console in 1994. It is the second game in the Schall the Hedgehog series to be released for the Game Gear, following the release of Sonic Chaos in 1993.
In Triple Trouble steuern die Spieler entweder Sonic oder seinen Kumpel Tails, während sie durch verschiedene Levels reisen, um zu versuchen, den Hauptgegner, Dr. Eggman, daran zu hindern, die mächtigen Chaos Emeralds zu erlangen. Das Spiel bietet ein rasantes, seitlich scrollendes Gameplay, und die Spieler müssen durch Hindernisse navigieren und Feinde besiegen, während sie Ringe und andere Power-Ups sammeln.
Triple Trouble introduces several new elements to the Sonic series, including the ability to play as Tails and the use of a new move called the "Rolling Combo," which allows Sonic and Tails to roll through enemies and obstacles. The game also introduces the character Nack the Weasel, who serves as a rival to Schall and Tails and appears as a boss in certain levels.
Triple Trouble bietet farbenfrohe, detaillierte Grafiken und einen eingängigen Soundtrack sowie eine Vielzahl von Levels, die von weitläufigen Stadtlandschaften bis hin zu Unterwasserruinen reichen. Es ist ein herausforderndes und unterhaltsames Spiel, das Fans der Sonic-Serie und der Jump'n'Run-Spiele im Allgemeinen sicher stundenlange Unterhaltung bieten wird.