Verkehrspolizisten-Simulator 3D

Verkehrspolizisten-Simulator 3D
Über das Spiel
Verkehrspolizisten-Simulator 3D is a captivating simulation game that puts you in the role of a traffic police officer. The game challenges you to ensure the safety and orderliness of city streets, dealing with speeding vehicles, traffic violations, and sometimes even engaging in high-speed chases.
Sorgen Sie für Sicherheit auf den Straßen im Traffic Cop Simulator 3D
In Verkehrspolizisten-Simulator 3D, your duty as a traffic officer goes beyond just issuing tickets. The dynamic environment requires you to be vigilant, reacting swiftly to ever-changing situations. Accidents can occur, and it's your job to manage the scene, assist injured parties, and restore the flow of traffic. The city is vast, and as you patrol its neighborhoods, you'll interact with a variety of characters, each bringing their own challenges. Whether it's a simple parking infraction or a more serious criminal activity, your decision-making skills and attention to detail are crucial for success. Earning promotions and upgrading your equipment are just some rewards for your hard work and dedication to the role.
- WASD – Bewegung
- Leerzeichen - Handbremse
- LMB – Halten Sie das Auto an, um zu überprüfen
- C - Kameraansicht ändern
- N-Nitro
Mobile Steuerung:
- Wischen Sie über das Display, um die Kamera anzuzeigen
- „Im Dienst“-Modus: Tippen Sie mit dem Finger, um Dokumente zu prüfen
- Modus „On Patrol“: Schaltflächen zur Fahrzeugsteuerung am unteren Bildschirmrand