Word Connect-Multiplayer

Word Connect-Multiplayer
Über das Spiel
Word Connect-Multiplayer is a word game where you compete against another player to see who can solve a word puzzle the fastest. The game challenges you to find and connect words from a grid of letters. The quicker you find the words, the more points you earn. You can also use special tools like hints or skips to help you when you get stuck. With endless puzzles to solve, each game is a new opportunity to test your Wort skills and speed.
Every match is a race against time as you try to outsmart your opponent. The game is easy to understand and play which makes the game perfect for players of all ages. Whether you are playing on a computer or a Handy, Mobiltelefon device you will enjoy competing to see who can find the most words and score the highest points.
- Formwörter: Klicken und ziehen Sie den Maus über Buchstaben, um Wörter zu bilden.
- Punkte sammeln: Verbinde Wörter, um das Puzzle auszufüllen und Punkte zu sammeln.
- Wetteifern: Versuchen Sie, das Rätsel zu lösen, bevor es Ihr Gegner tut.
- Gewinne das Match: Der Spieler mit den meisten Punkten am Ende gewinnt das Spiel.