Arena de lucha en línea
Fight Arena Online
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Qué es Arena de lucha en línea Todo sobre
Come join us in this awesome 3D multiplayer game called Arena de lucha en línea, where you will fight with some really strong and powerful characters. Players from around the globe will be active, so prove yourself as the better one among them! You don’t need any kind of registration to play this game, just hit the play button and start killing other fighters! After they’re eliminated, you can use their money to upgrade your character or buy a better one. The only way to glory is by kicking the hell out of your opponent, all the best to you!
Control S:
- AWSD para mover el personaje
- Espacio para saltar
- Ratón izquierdo y derecho para atacar
- Shift izquierdo para rodar o atacar desde abajo
- Usa Tilda (~) para chatear en la pelea
¿Qué juegos son similares a Arena de lucha en línea?