DeltaFunk de FNF
FNF DeltaFunk
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Qué es DeltaFunk de FNF Todo sobre
DeltaFunk de FNF is part of the Friday Night Funkin’ series. The main characters are Boyfriend, Kris and Susie, on a mission to seal the fountains in the dark world in the Deltarune universe. They are assisted by their friends, Ralsei and Lancer. Their search ends abruptly when the fountains cannot be found. This sets the stage for a rap battle amongst the group. The game has soundtracks like “Delta Warrior”, “Bad & Badder”, “No MOre Nuzzle” and “ Harmonic Melodies”.
¿Cómo jugar?
- Haga coincidir las flechas que caen con el flujo de la música.
- Mantén la barra de progreso llena con tus combos.
Controles del juego:
- Teclas de flecha: une las flechas que caen.
¿Qué juegos son similares a DeltaFunk de FNF?