FNF vs velocidad reanimada
Qué es FNF vs velocidad reanimada Todo sobre
Este es otro nuevo episodio de Viernes por la noche Funkin, it is called FNF vs velocidad reanimada. As the title says, you will be playing with some reanimated characters as well as fresh new antagonists! Apart from that, there are new songs as well! So we are delighted to share this episode right now! The tracks are Confronting Yourself and Arch, match each of these song’s arrows and make sure that the progress bar on your screen is in your favor. Pay attention all the time and don’t lose your focus, all the best to you!
Crédito Mod:
- Fénix Rojo: Animador y portada de arco
- VoidEyedPanda: Artista/Animador
- ToastzyToazt (@ToastzyToazt2nd) – idea mod (muy importante)
- Aleina (@AgentMasked) – ¡los increíbles íconos de culo para speed y ben! (muy importante)
- Valor (@valor294) – todo lo demás (este bozo inútil asf)
- IMostrarVelocidad: Basado en esta manía
¿Qué juegos son similares a FNF vs velocidad reanimada?