FĂștbol de cabeza de Halloween

FĂștbol de cabeza de Halloween
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FĂștbol de cabeza de Halloween takes the exhilarating sport of soccer and gives it a whimsical, spooky twist. As pumpkins light up the field and a misty haze engulfs the atmosphere, players gear up for one of the most unconventional fĂștbol matches. Instead of traditional players, you'll find mummies, witches, and even vampires vying for control of the ball, adding an entirely new dimension to the game we all know and love.
Controles para un jugador: Flechas izquierda/derecha: movimiento, Flecha arriba: saltar, Z, X: golpear
Controles de 2 jugadores:
- 1er jugador: Flechas izquierda/derecha - movimiento, Flecha arriba - saltar, N,M - golpear
- 2do jugador: A,D - movimiento, W - salto, 1,2 - golpe