PUBG Infinity BattleField OPS
PUBG Infinity BattleField OPS
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Qué es PUBG Infinity BattleField OPS Todo sobre
PUBG Infinity Battlefield OPS is a TPP/FPP action game where 100 players land into a battleground to fight against each other. Last one to survive wins the game! There are a total of 4 exciting maps to choose from. The game also offers different modes to play, like TDM, Classic, Arcade and many more. The more you win, the more points you get to collect. Use the points to dress up your character! You can also choose to play from 1, 2 and 4 player modes.
Lucha usando una amplia gama de armas militares como M4, AKM, SMG, etc. Una vez que matas a un enemigo, saquea su caja para recolectar más municiones y refuerzos.
- Teclas de flecha o ASWD para caminar
- Ratón para apuntar y disparar
- Cambiar a sprint
- R para recargar
- Barra espaciadora para abrir paracaídas o saltar
- E para entrar en coche
- G para lanzar granadas
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