Artisanat du monde mignon

Artisanat du monde mignon
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À propos du jeu
Minecraft is the inspiration for Artisanat du monde mignon. As an architect, you have a creator’s independence to build anything. Wield the creative brush to create mountains, oceans, castles and anything that tweaks your imagination. You can play the game in the Survivor mode and explore the five biomes for resources and create tools for survie. The critters are in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Watch out for the troublemaker, Hivot. You can also play the game in the multiplayer mode and share your creations with Cute World Craft community members.
Les contrôles:
- WASD / Touches fléchées - déplacer
- Maintenez LMB - utilisez des outils
- Cliquez sur LMB - placez le bloc
- Barre d'espace - sauter
- Double-cliquez sur la barre d'espace - volez dans Creative Mod
- E - pour ramasser / déposer des objets
- F - inventaire ouvert
- C - récolter pour pocher