Dash le lapin 2

Dash le lapin 2
À propos du jeu
Dash le lapin 2 is a fun and addictive game that involves running, jumping, and dodging obstacles as you navigate through different levels. The game follows the adventures of a cute and furry rabbit named Dash, who needs to collect as many carrots as possible while avoiding obstacles such as rocks, trees, and other animals.
Le jeu comporte plusieurs niveaux, chacun avec ses propres défis et obstacles uniques. Dans chaque niveau, les joueurs doivent guider Dash à travers un labyrinthe d'obstacles et collecter autant de carottes que possible. Le gameplay est simple mais stimulant, car les joueurs doivent être rapides et agiles pour éviter les obstacles et ramasser des carottes.
Dash le lapin 2 features simple and intuitive controls, with players swiping left or right to change lanes, and swiping up to jump over obstacles. The game also features power-ups such as speed boosts and shields, which can help players overcome difficult obstacles and collect more carrots.