La vie de canard 2
La vie de canard 2
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À propos du jeu
La vie de canard 2 is a racing game that comes with a set of training levels that help improve the athletic abilities of the duck. The training starts off with your duck’s core skills. If you want to reach the next level, help your duck in training, as the only way to unlock a level is by winning the race. To assist your duck get the title of World Champion, help her collect coins to spend on her upgrades.
When the duck is ready and trained enough, she enters a ‘quadrathlon race’. Here she gets to flaunt off her en cours d'exécution, climbing, swimming and flying compétences.
Pendant la course:
- Flèche vers le haut pour sauter
Pendant le vol:
- Flèche haut / bas pour changer de direction
Pendant la baignade:
- Touches fléchées haut / bas pour sauter / plonger. Flèches gauche / droite pour se déplacer vers la gauche / droite
Pendant l'escalade:
- Flèches gauche / droite pour sauter