FNF: Majin Sonic Madness - Semaine amusante
FNF: Majin Sonic Madness – Fun Week
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Qu'est-ce que FNF: Majin Sonic Madness - Semaine amusante Tout sur
Nous sommes de retour avec un nouvel épisode de Funkin du vendredi soir, that features Majin Sonic! It is called FNF: Majin Sonique Madness – Fun Week, which comes with a full week of fun and three songs for you! This is the first time it happens with this character, so we’re pretty excited. The tracks are: Countless, Entertainment and Starlight, take each of them to their conclusion without missing any of their beats. Pay attention to your screen all the time and try not to miss too many of the arrows. All the best to you and have a fun time on our website!
Crédits de mod :
- MIGUELGAMING: Artiste/codeur/soumetteur
- Cronix_1101: 1er compositeur de musique
- alberton108: Animateur de sprites/charter
- DanlyDaMusicant: 2ème compositeur de musique/charte
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