Friday Night Funkin 'Noob Roblox jouable

Friday Night Funkin 'Noob Roblox jouable
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À propos du jeu
Friday Night Funkin 'Noob Roblox jouable is a new episode in the FnF series that is packed with action and rhythm as always! This time, you’ll be playing against Noob, who is Roblox’s main character. He is a challenging opponent who you will challenge in the first track of Week 3. Follow the musical notes that appear on the screen and do not miss a single beat. Flaunt your talent and show everyone what you can do with mic!
FNF vs jouable Noob Roblox Mod
- Développeur: CrapaudOdyssée
- Animateur original : J-bug
- Musique : Yamahearted
- Sprites jouables : CrapaudOdyssée
- Sprites originaux : mangez beaucoup de nourriture
- Aide supplémentaire : pas l'ingénieur
- Concept: camcamalex