Grand Action Simulator : gang de voitures de New York

Grand Action Simulator : gang de voitures de New York
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À propos du jeu
Open world crime games are really fun, because you have the freedom to do anything you want! It was high time we brought a game like this to our website, so here is Grand Action Simulator: New York Auto Gang. This is a tad bit similar to the Rockstar series, GTA. You will be playing the role of a gangster who wants to rule over the city of New York! Make money, doing whatever you can! Then use it to purchase weapons, armor and vehicles of your liking. You can either choose to be vile and merciless or generous and kind-hearted. Steal vehicles, kill opposite gang members, take out crime lords, do whatever it takes to be the ultimate boss! All the best with the game, enjoy it!
Les contrôles:
- WASD ou touches fléchées - déplacer
- Barre d'espace - sauter
- Maj gauche - courir
- Clic gauche de la souris - tirer ou frapper
- G-grenade
- F - voiture ouverte
- T - garage ouvert à proximité
- X - changer d'arme
- R - ouvrir un magasin à proximité
- Z - grenade à interrupteur