
À propos du jeu
métroïde is a side-scrolling action-adventure video game developed and published by Nintendo. The game was first released in 1986 for the NDA. You will control the protagonist, Samus Aran, a skilled bounty hunter, who is sent to the planet Zebes to stop the Space Pirates from using the parasitic organisms called Metroids for domination of the galaxy. The game features exploration and combat as the player guides Samus through the planet's various regions, using her suit's abilities and weapons to defeat enemies and uncover secrets. The game is known for its non-linear structure, allowing players to explore and discover new areas at their own pace. It has been widely acclaimed by critics and has become a classique of the action-adventure genre.
Jeu de Metroid
Le jeu est connu pour sa structure non linéaire, permettant aux joueurs d'explorer et de découvrir de nouveaux domaines à leur propre rythme. Vous naviguerez à travers différents niveaux de la planète Zebes et vaincrez les boss du jeu pour progresser. Vous avez accès à une variété d'armes et de bonus, tels que des missiles et des réservoirs d'énergie, pour les aider dans leur quête. Le jeu propose également un système de mot de passe qui permet aux joueurs de sauvegarder leur progression et de revenir au jeu ultérieurement.
métroïde has been widely acclaimed by critics and has become a classic of the action-adventure genre. Its non-linear structure and emphasis on exploration were praised as innovative and groundbreaking, and it has been cited as an influence on many later games in the genre. The game has also been credited with popularizing the "metroidvania" subgenre of action-adventure games, characterized by non-linear level design and the acquisition of new abilities to access previously inaccessible areas.