Survie de l'artisanat pixel

Survie de l'artisanat pixel
À propos du jeu
Pixel craft survival a first person shooter game of pixel art and extreme survival action. This game takes you to a world designed in a low-poly style where you are faced by endless waves of zombies. This type of game is ideal for people who enjoy playing pixelated aesthetics and the thrills of staying alive. There are diverse pixels weapons that you will find during the play of the game and it shall include an additional strategy in every new level of the game. In this game you will be forced to showcase your fighting prowess while also learning to craft important items for your survie. Prepare to encounter a world where pixels meet the chaos and instincts of survival. Do you have that inner strength that will make you come out victorious in Pixel Craft Survival?
Les contrôles:
- AWSD - mouvement
- Mouvement de caméra - Souris
- Sélectionner une arme - 1 à 5 touches
- Frappe/Tir - LMB
- Objectif - RMB
- Exécuter - Maj
- Trousse de premiers secours - H
- Grenades - G
- Sauter - Espace
- Magasin-TAB
- Barricades - B