FNF Pico Vs Tankman: Familiar Encounters

FNF Pico Vs Tankman: Familiar Encounters
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About the Game
Come join us in a fresh new FNF mod, where a battle has been sparked between Pico and Tankman. This is happening in week 7, where Boyfriend will be helping Pico to win. You have to help both of them perform the track “Familiar Encounters” with perfection. There has been a mechanism added to the game, it is called Bullet notes. You have to hit them to increase your bullet counts, all you have to do is press the spacebar and increase your health. We hope you enjoy the game and win the battle, all the best to you!
Mod Credits:
- Just Jack: Director, And Programmer
- Roaming_Pikachu: Artist, And Animator
- Fire_MF: Musician, And Pico VA
- Dumdust^_^: Artist, And Animator
- Polyfield: Musician, And Charter
- johnatan o animadoZz: Animator
- 4Axion:” Charter
- fl0pd00dle: Tankman VA
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