FNF vs Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)

FNF vs Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
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About the Game
We are once again back with an exciting new episode for the musical game of Friday Night Funkin. This time, we’re introducing you to Rick Sanchez from the highly-popular cartoon series Rick and Morty. He will be seen using his green portal gun to travel to the universe of Friday Night Funkin! He has come into this world and is looking for a musical challenge between him and Boyfriend. He may be a genius scientist but our beloved Boyfriend is a musical genius! Help him win on the tracks Moonmen, Get Schwifty, Tiny Rick Song anc Head Bend Over. We wish you the bestest of luck and hope you win the game. Good luck to you!
Mod Credit:
- Artist, Director, Submitter: Prettycoolbanana
- Game Engine: Shadow mario
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