Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter

Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter
About the Game
Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter is a fan-made Pokemon game based on the popular Pokemon Adventures manga series. Developed by a team of dedicated fans, the game is a hack of the original Pokemon FireRed version and features a new storyline that closely follows the events of the manga.
In the game, you play as Blue, the rival character from the original Pokemon games, as he sets out on a journey to become the champion of the Kanto region. Along the way, you encounter a variety of characters from the Pokemon Adventures manga, including Red, Green, Yellow, and many others.
One of the unique features of Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter is the addition of new Pokemon that were not present in the original FireRed version. These Pokemon are based on characters and creatures from the Pokemon Adventures manga, and they add a new level of excitement and challenge to the game.
The game also features a new region to explore, the "Sevii Islands," which are full of diverse landscapes and Pokemon to catch. The islands are designed with a lot of attention to detail, and they feel like a natural extension of the Kanto region.