Sonic 1 Reversed Frequencies

Sonic 1 Reversed Frequencies
About the Game
Sonic 1 Reversed Frequencies is a fan-made game that takes the classic Sonic the Hedgehog gameplay and flips it on its head. The game was created by a talented game designer known as "Cambria" and was released in 2018.
The premise of Sonic 1 Reversed Frequencies is that Dr. Eggman has taken over the world and Sonic must travel through time to stop him. However, in this version of the game, everything is backwards. Sonic runs from right to left, the enemies move in the opposite direction, and the levels are completely different.
Despite the reversed gameplay, Sonic 1 Reversed Frequencies still manages to capture the feel of the original game. The graphics and music have been updated to give the game a fresh, modern look and feel, but the core gameplay remains true to the original Sonic experience.