Terra – A Terraria Demake

Terra – A Terraria Demake
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About the Game
Join us and play this new game that features more than biomes, they are: Forest, Jungle, Corruption, Underground, Caverns, and Underground Jungle. You are going to play against the 4 bosses who are : King Slime, the Eye of Cthulhu, Ocram, and Plantera. Each of these evil bosses possess different abilities.
You can choose from a variety of different melee weapons, these weapons automatically aim towards the target, so you have to do very little work. You can also with your own customized character in the offline mode, something which very little games offer.
- ! Change between Controller Mode and Mouse Mode by holding the pause button while in-game until the menu pops up, then press “TOGGLE MOUSE” !
- Controller Mode:
- 🅾️/Z – Jump
- ❎/X – Use item
- ⬅️/➡️ – Move
- ⬆️/⬇️ – (Tools) Aim up or down
- Pause/Enter – Open crafting/inventory screen (Hold: open system pause menu)
- Inventory screen:
- 🅾️/Z – Pick up item or craft
- ❎/X – Move hover slot to trash if occupied, otherwise move trashed item to hover slot.
- ⬆️/⬇️ – Scroll / change selected item
- ⬅️ – Go to Crafting side
- ➡️ – Go to Inventory side
- Pause/Enter – Close crafting/inventory screen (Hold: open system pause menu)
- Keyboard + Mouse Mode:
- Space Bar/Right Click: Jump
- Left Click: Use item at mouse location
- Scroll Wheel: Change selected item.
- A/D: Move left/right
- E/Enter/Scroll Wheel Click – Open crafting/inventory screen (Hold: open system pause menu)
- Inventory screen:
- Move the mouse to the side of the screen you would like to interact with.
- Left Click – Pick up item or craft
- Right Click – Move hover slot to trash if occupied, otherwise move trashed item to hover slot.
- Scroll Wheel – Scroll / change selected item
- E/Enter/Scroll Wheel Click – Close crafting/inventory screen (Hold: open system pause menu)
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