Lima Malam di Wario 2

Lima Malam di Wario 2
Tentang Game
Lima Malam di Wario 2 is a FNAF-inspired fan-made permainan horor that takes place in an abandoned factory. You are working as a new night guard and hired to watch over the place for five nights. However, strange things happen after dark. Wario and other characters are roaming the halls and they will try to reach your office. Your objective is to stay safe by keeping track of their movements and hiding when they get too close. You must use your tablet to monitor the factory and see where Wario and his crew are moving. If they approach your location, you can quickly move to another room and hide. You will also have to keep the factory’s power running by charging the generator. Every night brings new challenges, so staying alert is key to surviving.
Uji keterampilan bertahan hidup Anda dan lihat apakah Anda dapat bertahan melewati kelima malam yang mengerikan tersebut.
Cara bermain
- Gunakan tablet untuk melihat di mana Wario dan gengnya berada.
- Pindah ke ruangan lain dan bersembunyi jika musuh ada di dekat.
- Jaga agar generator tetap terisi daya untuk menghindari kehilangan daya.
- Bertahanlah selama lima malam tanpa ketahuan.