FNF vs Little Man 2
Apa FNF vs Little Man 2 Semua tentang
Ini baru yang segar Mod Funkin Malam Jumat, it is called <a href="https://www.y9freegames.com/id/game/fnf-vs-little-man-2/" title="FNF vs Little Man 2">FNF vs Little Man 2</a>. The Little Man has returned for a new musical battle, so we have invited you to bring him down once again on new songs that are:
- Orang kecil
- Pria Kecil 2
- Pria besar
- Kegilaan
Take each one of these tracks to their conclusion, just be sure you don’t miss too many of their notes. Hit the right key at the right moment to be in perfect sync with the songs, or else you may turn the on screen bar red and lose the game. So, all the best and enjoy!
<a href="https://www.y9freegames.com/id/game/fnf-vs-little-man-2/" title="FNF vs Little Man 2">FNF vs Little Man 2</a> Kredit Mod:
- air pasang: Porting Mod
- wildythoma : pembuat kode, animator & memulai proyek.
- phloxio : konsep asli, pembantu mod dan pembuat aset.
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