Pokemon Fire Red: Edisi Mundur

Pokemon Fire Red: Edisi Mundur
Tentang Game
Pokemon Fire Red: Edisi Mundur is a fan-made mod of the original Pokemon Fire Red game that changes the game's storyline and mechanics. In this version, players start the game at the end of the game's story, with all the badges, items, and Pokemon that the protagonist would have obtained by the end of the original game.
Alur cerita gim ini benar-benar berbeda dari gim aslinya. Dalam versi ini, pemain harus melakukan perjalanan mundur melalui wilayah permainan, dimulai dengan Elite Four dan Champion, kemudian kembali ke gym hingga awal permainan. Penjahat game, Team Rocket, juga telah membatalkan rencana mereka dan sekarang bekerja untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yang mereka timbulkan di game aslinya.
One of the key features of "Pokemon Fire Red: Edisi Mundur" is the ability to catch every Pokemon in the game, including legendary and mythical Pokemon. Players can encounter and catch these Pokemon in the wild or through special events, making the game a true completionist's dream.