Pokemon penjaga hutan
Pokemon Ranger
Apa Pokemon penjaga hutan Semua tentang
Pokemon penjaga hutan is a role-playing game for the Nintendo DS where you become a Pokemon Ranger - a protector of the harmony between people and Pokemon. The game is set in the Fiore region where you can play as members of the Ranger Union Lunick or Solana who are dedicated to keeping peace across the land. This game uses a different way of capturing Pokemon. You will draw circles around them on the touchscreen. Captured Pokemon don’t become permanent partners; instead, they help you with different tasks during missions. You will go on missions that involve helping towns, saving Pokemon, and stopping dangerous groups. Each Pokemon has specific abilities that you can use to clear paths, put out fires, or complete other tasks to help protect the region.
Cara bermain
- Pilih karakter Anda dan mulailah perjalanan Anda sebagai Pokemon Ranger baru.
- Gambar lingkaran di sekitar Pokemon liar pada layar sentuh untuk menangkapnya guna mendapatkan bantuan sementara.
- Selesaikan tugas dengan kemampuan Pokemon seperti membersihkan jalan atau menyelesaikan tujuan misi.
- Pertahankan wilayah Fiore dengan menghentikan kelompok jahat dan mencegah bencana.
- Jelajahi area baru seiring kemajuan Anda dan temukan berbagai jenis Pokemon.