Pokemon Merah ++

Pokemon Merah ++
Tentang Game
Pokemon Red ++ adalah modifikasi buatan penggemar dari game Pokemon Red asli, dirilis pada tahun 1996 untuk Game Boy. Mod tersebut dibuat oleh sekelompok penggemar berdedikasi yang ingin meningkatkan permainan aslinya dan menambahkan fitur baru untuk membuat pengalaman lebih menyenangkan.
One of the major changes in Pokemon Red ++ is the addition of new Pokemon. The mod introduces a total of 82 new Pokemon, which are a mix of original creations and Pokemon from later generations. These new Pokemon have unique designs and move sets, making battles more exciting and challenging.
Another major change is the addition of new areas to explore. The mod adds several new cities, towns, and routes that were not present in the original game. These areas have their own unique gyms, trainers, and wild Pokemon, providing players with a lot more content to explore.