Pokemon Vert Feuille

Pokemon Vert Feuille
Tentang Game
Pokemon Vert Feuille, also known as Pokemon LeafGreen in English, is a revamped edition of the original Pokemon Green. This game takes players back to the Kanto region where they begin their journey as a young Pokemon trainer. From the town of Pallet, you'll set forth to collect gym badges, capture Pokemon, and thwart the evil plans of Team Rocket.
Menghidupkan kembali Nostalgia di Pokemon Vert Feuille
Kembali ke Dasar Kanto
Pokemon Vert Feuille transports you to the classic world of Pokemon where it all began. You'll revisit iconic locations like Cerulean City and Lavender Town, meet familiar characters, and face off against the original lineup of gym leaders. For veteran players, it's a wonderful trip down memory lane, while newcomers get to experience the Kanto region in all its upgraded glory.
Fitur dan Mekanisme yang Ditingkatkan
Game ini bukan sekadar pengulangan dari game aslinya; ia hadir dengan grafis yang ditingkatkan, mekanisme gameplay yang ditingkatkan, dan antarmuka yang lebih ramah pengguna. Selain itu, game ini dilengkapi Safari Zone yang diperbarui dan interaktivitas nirkabel untuk berdagang dan bertarung, yang tidak tersedia di versi aslinya.