Simpan Hewan Peliharaan

Simpan Hewan Peliharaan
Tentang Game
Indulge in an exciting adventure with Simpan Hewan Peliharaan, a game packed with fun, creativity, and quick thinking. Players of all age groups are sure to find this game highly engaging and addictively entertaining!
Misi Penyelamatan yang Mendebarkan di Save The Pets
Di dalam Simpan Hewan Peliharaan, the goal is not just about winning, it's about saving the day! Your mission is to protect the world's cutest anjing from numerous dangers lurking around, like bees, poisoned water, prickly thorns, and threatening thorn balls. Utilize your imagination to craft the most robust protective line that will keep the dog safe. If your canine friend survives unharmed after six seconds, congratulations, you've successfully completed your mission.
Menambah kecerdasan yang menyenangkan, gim ini menghadirkan beragam reaksi anjing lucu yang bervariasi berdasarkan situasi yang dihadapi. Gim ini juga menawarkan banyak level, masing-masing dirancang untuk menantang kecerdasan dan waktu Anda, memastikan gameplay yang mendebarkan setiap saat.