Pertahanan Menara Skibidi

Pertahanan Menara Skibidi
Tentang Game
In the game Pertahanan Menara Skibidi you plunge into strategic tower defense. You will ensure that your base will be secure from many invaders. The towers available in this game are numerous, and they also have various possibilities of improvement. In addition, you need to choose appropriate towers in certain situations and then deploy them appropriately to make the most out of their effectiveness. The higher you go in the game, the harder it becomes to find ways of eliminating your enemies who keep getting better as well.
You are put to skill in resource management and forward-planning. Each time you upgrades your tower, it is customized towards particular level-specific strategi and abilities offered by each upgrade. It's vibrant graphics with addictive gameplay makes the game an enjoyable adventure for leisure players as well as die-hard strategic buffs. The goal of the game is to defeat an overwhelming attack coming from a ruthless foe or simply to make it into the leaderboard.