Duel Kuil Stickman

Duel Kuil Stickman
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Tentang Game
STICKMAN games are always fun, so here we are with a brand new one called Duel Kuil Stickman game. The game features a Story mode, 2 pemain mode and more. There are more than 35 chapters featured in the story mode, we hope you enjoy playing all of them. The game is sort of a standoff, where the player has to grab their gun before their opponent and shoot! Are you ready for this challenge? Let’s play now!
Kontrol untuk Mode Cerita:
- WASD atau Tombol Panah untuk gerakan
- Mouse untuk membidik dan menembak
Kontrol Untuk 2 Pemain:
- Gerakan Pemain 1 : Tombol Panah
- Pemain 1 Tembak : L Key
- Pemain 1 Perisai: K Key
- Gerakan Pemain 2: Tombol WASD
- Pemain 2 Menembak: Kunci F
- Perisai Pemain 2: Kunci G
Kontrol untuk VS Bot:
- Gerakan: Tombol Panah
- Tembak: Kunci "L" dan Perisai: Kunci "K"