Feudalesimo 3

Feudalesimo 3
Informazioni sul gioco
Feudalesimo 3 proves itself to be an amazing role playing game transporting you in the world of medieval wars and complex strategy games. Choose yourself a hero and assemble an army, in every step you will make you are moving toward conquering lands and taking charge of them. However, it distinguishes itself by having several complex customizing features that let you decide on skills for your character, weapons, or the make up of your army depending on how you prefer to play. You will feel each battle and every decision has an effect on your quest in a very challenging but also very personal manner.
È dove assedierai le città, ti impegnerai in battaglie su larga scala, formerai alleanze o ostilità mentre gestisci le tue risorse per un potente esercito. Nel feudalesimo, l'azione strategica si mescola con un combattimento interattivo che mantiene vivi, vigili e vigili in ogni momento.