Karnage di Mortal Kombat
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Cosa è Karnage di Mortal Kombat Tutto su
Welcome to this new fighting game called Karnage di Mortal Kombat, it is all about blood and violence so we hope you’re prepared for some gory experience! You have the option to control any one of the fighters from the Mortal Kombat universe, try to defeat all your opponents and reach the top. You can perform many moves to defeat your opponents and win the title. We hope you have a good experience, good luck!
- Tasto freccia su - salta
- Tasto freccia sinistra/destra - sposta a sinistra/destra
- Freccia giù - accovacciati
- A - pugno
- D - calcio
- S - guardia
- LMB - conferma
A quali giochi sono simili Karnage di Mortal Kombat?