Scooby Doo! La notte dei 100 spaventi

Scooby Doo! La notte dei 100 spaventi
Informazioni sul gioco
Scooby Doo! Night of 100 Frights è un puzzle avvincente in cui ti ritrovi insieme a Scooby-Doo e ai suoi amici ad affrontare una notte piena di orrori. In questa ti muovi in diverse zone infestate risolvendo enigmi ed evitando creature strane.
You would find it in a ghoulish mansion traversing mysteriously haunted castles and others. It would require you to utilize your intelligence and Scooby’s special skills to tackle tough puzzles and flee from ghosts and creatures. The game gives a chance for players to interact with all their favorite characters from the beloved Scooby-Doo franchise, thereby enhancing the joy and appeal of the contest. This game provides a thrilling storyline by combining exploration, problem-solving, and azione resulting in an unforgettable gaming experience like no other in order to recreate the feeling of those classy old cartoon sessions.