Strike Force 1945 Guerra

Strike Force 1945 Guerra
Informazioni sul gioco
Get set for a high-octane air combat experience with Strike Force 1945 Guerra, where you'll square off against non-stop waves of enemy fighters. It's a showdown like no other, with a thrilling face-off against fearsome bosses waiting for you at each level's end!
Prendendo il sopravvento nella guerra della Strike Force 1945
You're not just any pilot in this game. No, you're the fearless defender of the galassia, standing tall against an onslaught of space foes. It's a fast-paced space tiro journey that has you face off against countless enemies, all leading up to epic battles with monstrous Big Bosses that will test your mettle to the extreme.
Preparati per un'esperienza di sparatutto arcade classica come nessun altro, mentre diventi l'ultima speranza dell'umanità contro un'invasione di invasori galattici. Controlla i cieli e scoraggia gli intrusi alieni in questo epico gioco di combattimento aereo. Mostra loro quello che hai in Strike Force 1945 War!