Dragon Ball Z: Ultieme strijd 22
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
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Wat is Dragon Ball Z: Ultieme strijd 22 Alles over
Dragon Ball Z: Ultieme strijd 22 was made for the Playstation Console based on the anime series Dragon Ball Z. There are 22 characters to choose from, like Vegeta, Gohan and Cell. It is a clash of Z fighters that happens on two full screens. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your Z fighters, watch both screens for your opponent’s move and charge your Ki gauge. The Directional Pad moves your character, use the square button to punch, the X button to kick, the circle button for Ki blast and the triangle button to grab.
- Enter/X - Ga door of start het spel
- Pijlen - beweging
- X - schop
- Z - vuurbal
- A - springen
- S - stomp
- Q - streepje naar links
- E - streepje naar rechts
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