Dragon Ball Z: Poder Supremo 2
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Power 2
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O que é Dragon Ball Z: Poder Supremo 2 Tudo sobre
Dragon Ball Z is one of the most popular anime on the planet, which is why we have added this new game to the website called Dragon Ball Z: Poder Supremo 2. You might know many esfera do dragão Z characters, such as Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Freeza and more. This time, you are going to fight alongside these talented fighters and against some of the most powerful ones. We wish you all the best with this challenge, enjoy!
Controles do jogador um:
- Movimento – W,A,S,D
- Ataque – J
- Chave especial - K
- Bloco – L
- Chave de filtro - N
- Contador – eu
- Etiqueta - H
- Especial Básico – Frente + Espaço
- Super Especial – Voltar + Espaço
Controles do Jogador Dois:
- Movimento – Setas
- Ataque - 1
- Chave especial - 2
- Chave de filtro - 6
- Bloco – 3
- Contador - 5
- Etiqueta – 4
- Especial Básico – Frente + 0
- Super Especial – Voltar + 0
Quais jogos são semelhantes a Dragon Ball Z: Poder Supremo 2?