Boxe Bêbado
Drunken Boxing
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O que é Boxe Bêbado Tudo sobre
Boxe Bêbado is a fighting game where you have to take control of a drunk boxer and punch your way to victory. The game comes with two modes, the Arcade and Balance. In the Balance, the challenge is to fight your opponent under the influence of a magic potion. There will be a lot of struggle to attack your opponent under the influence, so be prepared to take some swings! Constant commentary throughout the game will make you feel as if you’re inside a real ring.
Cansado de jogar com um oponente controlado por um robô? Desafie um amigo e veja quem consegue quebrar melhor os ossos.
- JOGADOR 2: "W, A, S, D"
Quais jogos são semelhantes a Boxe Bêbado?