Pocket Survivor: Expansão

Pocket Survivor: Expansão
Sobre o jogo
Pocket Survivor: Expansão is a survival RPG set in a harsh post-apocalyptic world. A devastating nuclear explosion has left a small southern Russian city in ruins which transformed it into a dangerous wasteland. You are a survivor and must move to this desolate land where resources are scarce, and danger lurks at every corner. You have to shape your own story with no fixed path to follow as you uncover the secrets of the destroyed world and try to survive against all odds.
The game focuses on realistic survival mechanics. You will need to find food, water, and rest while defending yourself against zombies, mutants, and hostile factions. Using a deep crafting system you can upgrade your equipment to improve your chances of sobrevivência. With over 100th of different items, from weapons to armor, every decision you make can impact your journey. This is a game of estratégia, survival, and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds.
Como jogar
- Crie seu sobrevivente usando o editor de caracteres avançado.
- Explore as terras devastadas e descobrir os segredos da cidade destruída.
- Gerencie seus recursos encontrando comida, água e abrigo.
- Crie e atualize itens para melhorar suas chances na batalha.
- Defenda-se de zumbis, mutantes e outras forças hostis.
- Tome decisões críticas durante eventos aleatórios para moldar sua jornada de sobrevivência.
- Progresso através do combate e habilidades para se adaptar e prosperar em um ambiente hostil.