Super Mario Kart

Super Mario Kart
Sobre o jogo
Mario Games has always been one of the most popular video game franchises, the Mario Kart series has been appreciated by the fans ever since it came out. So, we’ve brought to you this game called Super Mario Kart where you will get to meet Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Bowser, Princess Peach, Kappas and all the other characters from the franchise! But this time there won’t be any traps, obstacles or coins, instead you will be hopping around in karts trying to win the race. Choose to beat the AI controlled robot or play with a friend or family in the two player mode.
Existe também um modo GP onde você terá que terminar a corrida em um tempo limitado. Fique de olho nos power-ups e use-os a seu favor. Desejamos-lhe boa sorte para as suas corridas e esperamos que se divirtam no site!