Advanced Pixel Apocalypse 3

Advanced Pixel Apocalypse 3
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This is a new pixelated FPS game called Advanced Pixel Apocalypse 3, where you will control a player and help him fight other players. You can choose from two modes of the game, deathmatch and team deathmatch mode, you can kill anyone you spot in the first mode and help your team win the second one. You can choose from a variety of weapons such as a hatchet, a baseball bat, a knife, crowbar and more. There are guns and grenades too, so use them wisely! There are many maps and levels as well, move around carefully and make sure you are always in cover! Good luck to you and we hope you like and enjoy the game.
- WASD / tastele săgeată pentru a vă deplasa
- 1 la 9 pentru a schimba arma
- R pentru a reîncărca
- Mouse-ul pentru a trage
- Bara de spațiu pentru a sări
- C a se ghemui
- Ctrl la predispus
- Treceți la sprint