Derby Crash 2

Derby Crash 2
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Despre Joc
Derby Crash 2 is an online car racing game where you will dash and crash your vehicle into other cars! Don’t just stick to the race track, feel free to roam through the entire city. The game’s realistic 3D graphics make the gaming experience surreal.
You also get to choose from a variety of cars. The battle tank is an exceptional choice as it comes with a cannon! Blast away your enemies and win the race! The game now gives a multiplayer option, feel free to invite your friends. Challenge them and see who races better!
Ghid de conducere:
- WASD / Săgeată pentru a conduce
- Bara de spațiu pentru frâna de mână
- C pentru a schimba camera
- Intrați pentru a reseta vehiculele
- R pentru repararea vehiculelor
Ghid Terraform:
- WASD pentru a muta camera
- Țineți mouse-ul stânga și axa mouse-ului pentru a roti camera
- 1 la 5 Tasta pentru a modifica terenul