Evo-F 4

Evo-F 4
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Evo- F 4 is the fourth edition of the 3D car simulator game called Evo- F. In this edition, there are plenty of alternatives for vehicles and the game is set in a desert. Besides, you can build your mașină in the garage as well as repair the old cars. This game will give an experience of realistic de conducere since the physics of the gaming project is based on very new CsDrive technology. Evo-F 4 is suitable for all ages and with four different camera angles, many ramps and stunt places around the map.
- Taste ASWD / Săgeată pentru a conduce
- R pentru repararea vehiculelor
- C pentru a schimba unghiul camerei
- T pentru a încetini timpul
- U, J la brațul de control
- Eu, K pentru a controla furculița
- Intrați pentru a reseta mașina