FNF: AGOTI, Tabi, Ruv Sings Whitty Definitive Edition

FNF: AGOTI, Tabi, Ruv Sings Whitty Definitive Edition
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The antagonists we’re about to mention have already been featured in FNF episodes, but this time they are going to come in together in a brand new mod called FNF: AGOTI, Tabi, Ruv Sings Whitty Definitive Edition. The antagonists are none other than AGOTI, Tabi and Ruv! They are coming together to sing Whitty's songs from the Definitive Edition, the tracks for the mod are:
- AGOTI cântă underground
- Tabi cântă Hungry
- Ruv Sings Low-Rise
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Credite Mod:
- D3R3K PL4YZ: A făcut coperta și a făcut-o redabilă.