FNF Bad Future vs Sonic

FNF Bad Future vs Sonic
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Sonic is easily one of the most popular characters in Friday night Funkin and our website, so it is quite obvious why we keep bringing him every now and then. This new episode from the musical series is called Bad Future is a Friday Night Funkin. You will be joining our boyfriend to fight against some villains from the Sonic Universe. Metal Sonic is the very first villain of the mod, you will perform against him on the tracks: Steel-plated and Error. You may get this from the title of the game, it is set during Sonic’s History. Which means that our dear BF is going to do some time traveling! There are a total of 8 act’s and some extra songs as well, we hope you enjoy all of them. Good luck to you!
Credite FNF Bad Future vs Sonic Mod:
- MajoraTobi: Regizor, Animator și Artist
- Rorutop: Programator principal y
- Nick: Artist icon pentru Metal Sonic
- Muils: Cartografiere
- GalXE: Muzician pentru placat cu oțel
- laptucă: Muzician pentru EROARE
- Iadul: Actor vocal pentru Metal Sonic
- SebTheShinpuru: Director anterior
- Phantomwind: A ajutat foarte mult cu producția
- Alfa: Ajutor suplimentar și Concept Artist