FNF Castle Crasher MotherBucker

FNF Castle Crasher MotherBucker
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Despre Joc
FNF Castle Crasher MotherBucker from Friday Night Funki’ is an epic battle between our favorite, Boyfriend, and the Pink Knight. The stakes are very high on the outcome- Boyfriend has to win the rap battle to release Girlfriend from the clutches of our antagonist. The two lead characters give their rendition on the popular soundtrack, Crashing. Immerse yourself in the iconic aesthetics of the Castle Crasher universe, with familiar visuals and characters adding a unique flavour to the FNF experience.
Cum se joacă?
- Potriviți ritmul muzicii cu săgețile care apar pe ecran.
- Progresul în săptămâna următoare crește nivelul de dificultate.
- Pentru a vă crește scorul, asigurați-vă numărul maxim de lovituri potrivind săgeata și muzica.