FNF: Prăbușirea școlii lui Pico

FNF: Prăbușirea școlii lui Pico
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În acest ultim episod din Vineri seara Funkin, you will be helping Pico instead of dear BF. Welcome to FNF: Pico’s School Crashdown, where Pico is in his school and has to beat Green Knight in a ritm battle. Since you’re such a pro at performing songs, we have invited you to help him with it. There is just one song called 'Crashdown', take it to its conclusion and try to match as many arrows as you can. We wish you all the best for it, hope you enjoy yourself.
Credite Mod:
- Sanificați: Artist și Creator de mod
- GlitchCrack: Muzician, Charter și Animator