FNF vs Jaiden Animations

FNF vs Jaiden Animations
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Suntem extrem de încântați să împărtășim acest episod din Vineri seara Funkin with you, this one is called FNF vs Jaiden Animations. You are up against a YouTube channel and have to perform on no more than 3 awesome tracks that are: Intro, Ani and Minesweepers. Firstly, choose between story mode and free play mode, then try to match all arrows that start to show up on your screen. We wish you the best of luck, enjoy!
Credite mod FNF vs Jaiden Animations:
- Blaze_TBV: Proprietar, charter
- Benjiro (utilizator discord nu utilizator gb): compozitor
- cum merge?: Artist
- Parallax (din nou utilizator Discord): Charter 2 (pentru actualizări viitoare)